Thursday, September 26, 2013

old monitors leave hazardous trail

I am writing my webblog on hazardous waste and the dangerous it can be. two inspectors in Fresno stopped by for a routine check and found waste as big as a football field. they also said they needed cell phones to keep track of each other. this is terrible and needs to be tamed. their is no longer a use for any of this. people would use the glass to make cathode rays but that demand has never been lower. 660 million pounds are stored all throughout the country and it would cost roughly 85-360 million dollars to clean it all. states are finally taking responsibility as 22 of them. this is all a scheme of people trying to make money. its all just a big scheme to make money and it shows the shadiness of corporate America that its all about the money.

my comic

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Facebook and self esteem

The article i read had to deal with Facebook and self esteem. it stated that people with higher self esteem cared more about posting about themselves. while people with lower self esteem cared about what other people posted about them. i can relate to this article because whether its Facebook twitter or Instagram people are always taking one side of it. either they care about posting about themselves or what others are saying about them. some of my friends who have high self esteem compete to see who can get more likes on Instagram or who has more followers on twitter. Users who have lower self-esteem continuously monitor their wall and delete unwanted posts from other users, they said. people are truly affected by this and it leads to cyber bullying and in sometimes death. two years ago a kid in the school district i lived in was severely bullied on Facebook because he was gay and it began to lower his self esteem more and more and he ended up committing suicide. overall social media in general can have positive and negative effects, but people shouldn't take it so seriously to a point where it lowers their self esteem.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Discussion questions

1. What do you consider technology?
2.Do you consider technology more of a science or an art?
3. How far do you think technology can go?
4. Why do you think every tool has to have a story?

Friday, September 13, 2013

Parents and Social media

For my first blog post I read an article called Cyber parenting. It was all about how parents are one click away from viewing any social media site of their child's at any moment.  A mother in this named Karen Sanders talks about how she will find herself stalking her daughter and even sometimes her daughters friends. Social media does pose many potential future risks when it comes to getting a job in the future or something else of importance.  therefore I think parents should be concerned but where should the line be drawn? I don't think parents should be stalking other peoples children. A parent in the article sat down on Tumblr and looked at one of their child's friends pages and saw posts that made them think less of the kid. That in my opinion is crossing the line, let the kids parents worry about their own child. Its their job not yours. It makes sense for them to have a grasp on what their child is doing. I think parents should sit down with their kids and talk out a plan setting boundaries for social media such as going over the basics such as not swearing, posting derogatory things, or anything that someone could potentially take the wrong way. If parents let their children know that they are watching them most if not all children will think twice before every one of their posts.  i hope parents and children can talk all this out and form a mutual agreement preventing the improper use of social media. Social media can be a very powerful resource, but only if you use it correctly!

Monday, September 9, 2013

1.  Matt Collard, Buffalo Ny,
4. i am into sports, my knowledge of sports and ability to hold conversations makes me special , i am extremely friendly and i am always up for a fun time!
5. for me to take intellectual and creative risks it has to be a no judgement zone,
6. the most important technological invention was the iPhone  because of the fact it makes life so much easier. One can type papers, figure out anything they want to know and get in contact with people in an  instant.
7. cell phone, computer and car
8a when it comes to computers i am like a 7 because I know how to do all the basic functions and sometimes a little bit more

8b. digital media i don't have much experience so like a 3

8c. when it comes to social media I'm a 6 because I'm using both twitter and Instagram daily

9. What is your favorite hobby?